We're hosting "Future Forward: Bonus Grantmaking Night" on November 7th from 5:30pm-8:30pm in the Color Works Room at Revolution Mill. This will be an evening where all Future Funders (lifetime & annual) can come together to learn more about our 2023 Grant Finalists and be a part of granting out an additional $10,000 to these amazing organizations.
All Future Fund members (annual and lifetime) are invited to be a part of granting out an additional $10,000 to the incredible nonprofit finalists participating in the 2023 Future Fund Grant Cycle.
You MUST be a lifetime or annual member of Future Fund to attend.
There are many ways to get involved in Greensboro. The Future Fund, however, is unique.
A group of young (22-40ish) professionals who are investing their time, energy and a few dollars into making Greensboro AWESOME.
Future Fund is an initiative of the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro. ”Funders” make an investment of $150 into the Future Fund endowment each year. Once they are a funder they can be involved as much or as little as they like in the events and committee throughout the year.
Want to participate in our grant night but not a Future Funder? Join today by clicking the link in our bio! See you then Future Funders!