


In 2019 Future Fund changed the way it gave out grants to local nonprofits.  The grants process can now be described as part incubator, part nonprofit shark tank.

Check out some of the nonprofits we have supported in the past:


Thanks to a Parent Empowerment grant from the Future Fund FSNCC was able to enhance our programs for families who have children with special needs.  When a child is diagnosed with a permanent disability, families must come to terms with this and learn to forge a different path for themselves and their children. Understanding the diagnosis, accessing resources, and dealing with day to day decisions are just a few of the challenge’s parents face.  Positive social supports along with access to information and resources are critical during this time as families learn to handle the present and prepare for the future. FSNCC’s mission is to provide support, education and caring connections for families who have a child with special needs or who experience a NICU stay. 

Quote from a fsncc parent: 

“FSNCC has meant so much to our family over the past 14 years. They took our hands when my son was diagnosed with special needs and we didn’t know where to begin to look for help. FSN stepped in and provided support, direction and so much more over the years.”  -The Carrey Family 


2017 Grants Awarded

Recipient Grant Amount Brief Description
Total $49,600.00
AAUW Greensboro Branch $4,350.00 To support “Find Your STEM” -- a program for 10th to 12th grade girls on STEM education and careers.
Crossroads: Pathways to Success, Inc. $3,000.00 To provide general support for the organization's work to develop young adults into productive leaders of the Greensboro community while increasing program enrollment.
Faith Action International House $2,000.00 To assist hundreds of immigrant families and high school youth who do not currently have access to in-state tuition to persevere, achieve their dreams, and go on to college.
FIRST North Carolina $7,500.00 To engage young people in hands-on STEM activities to inspire the next generation of innovators.
HandyCapable Network, Inc. $7,500.00 To develop and deliver a pilot coding program to students at Madison Elementary School.
Leadership LINKS $3,500.00 To support the organization's one-week summer leadership program designed to expose 7th-10th grade girls to career fields traditionally underrepresented by women in terms of leadership roles.
National Conference for Community and Justice Piedmont Triad $5,000.00 To provide support for the Emerging Leaders Action Network pilot project, with the purpose of fostering more inclusive, respectful learning environments in local high schools.
New Arrivals Institute $3,500.00 To expand and enhance educational programming through its Refugee Pathways to the Future project.
The Sparrow's Nest, Inc. $2,000.00 To support creation of a student-centered reading program for African-American youth.
Triad Stage, Inc. $7,500.00 To create and implement a drama-based professional development program for K-5 teachers in Title 1 schools in Guilford County.
UNCG Center for New North Carolinians $3,750.00 To support the School Success for Students Transitioning After Resettlement (STAR) program, focused on helping refugee youth re-eståablish social networks, empowering them as leaders, and delivering skill development and youth-focused trainings.